Core Values

We seek to Lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ

We Have an Attitude, we are about the greatest Mission on Earth

We believe that we are still living in a time that God is working through out our world.

The Only Constant in Our Ministry is Change

God is always doing new things and we seek to follow his calling.

We are not Looking for Volunteers, We Want Leaders

Leaders want to change the world, and to help guide others in growing in God's love.

Rural America is Our Battlefield

An estimated 3500 to 5000 churches close a year, many of those being in rural areas. We believe God is not done in those areas though and seek to bring church back.

We Give up Things we Love for Things we Love More

We follow God first and it is an honor to sacrifice for him and his church.

We Will Laugh Long, Hard, loud and Often

Nothing is more fun then serving God with people who love him

We Will do Anything Short of Sin to Reach the Lost

To reach people, who are not being reached. We must do things no one else is doing.

We are Faith-Filled, Big Thinking, Bet the Farm, Risk Taker

We dream big because God is moving.

We are Spiritual Contributors, not Consumers

We are the Church, called to be his hands and feet to the world. We exist for the world, not in the world

We Are Pro-Church, Pro-Kingdom, The Capital "C" Church

We believe that we can do much more together, than we can apart. So we will be known for what we are for, not what we are against.

We Will Lead the Way with Irrational Generosity.

We truly believe that we are more blessed when we give then what when we receive.

We are Local

We believe that community is best served by those with in the Community 

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